
Terms of Use

This website is designed and operated by Fly2let.net Ltd (a company incorporated in the UK, company number 05549146).

All material on this website, including the website design, text and graphics and their selection and arrangement, is copyright and may not be published, transmitted or sold elsewhere without the prior written permission of Fly2let.net Ltd.

Information and listings contained in this website and our email promotions have been compiled with care but for general information only. They should not to be used as the basis for action without prior checking and verification, or without independent professional advice where appropriate. Nothing included is to be construed as an invitation or recommendation to buy products or services from those listed.

We accept no liability for data supplied by any user. Inclusion of a firm in our listings does not guarantee a particular level of service. Those seeking a service provider should make their own appropriate checks before agreeing contractual or other arrangements, those arrangements being entirely matters for the parties directly involved.

Content contained on this website is intended for UK use only and any information referring to tax or legal matter applies to the UK only.

We do not give any warranty that this website or any other to which it is linked is free from viruses or any other known or unknown imperfections which may have a harmful effect on any technology. While we undertake to make our best endeavours to have this website available at all times, we cannot guarantee this and accept no liability for interruptions to service for any reasons. We accept no liability for any loss, for whatever reason, direct or indirect, arising from use of this website.
